Thursday 8 April 2010

GR: There For Tomorrow & The Friday Night Boys

This is the first gig I've ever been to by myself and despite how extremely awkward I probably looked the whole night the situation was not as bad as I thought it was going to be.

However I did miss the start of All Forgotten's set because it took so long to get in to Underworld which was mildly annoying. Their set was flawless. This is the third time I've seen them and they've been brilliant every time. It was also thanks to guitarist Steve that I got on the guestlist so my ticket only cost £5. Nice one. I unfortunately can't quite say the same for the other bands on the lineup.

I spent most of They Sink Ship's set sitting down. I didn't mean to be disrespectful I just couldn't be arsed to get up. To me, they have nothing to offer as a band than any other band that sound similar to them. Evidently they've got some catchy bits going on in a few of their songs but other than that, they aren't really worth the effort. They thought they were amazing though, I like a bit of self belief.

"This song's about the day I lost my virginity". Well that's hard to believe. I suggest that if you ever feel the urge to see The Friday Night Boys, rethink and see All Time Low instead. They're pretty much the same band but All Time Low are about a million times better. The thirteen year olds appear to love FNB but I'm not really too sure why. They're mediocre pop punk was just too samey for me.

I must admit from the outset that by this point I was tired and dare I say pretty bored so I took it upon myself to leave part way through There For Tomorrow which I partly regret but I mean I'm not that bothered. They were alright from what I saw of them, nothing special, just alright. I don't really have much more to say to be honest.

Gig rating: 1.5
[Full marks for All Forgotten and then just a 0.25 for the other three bands combined for trying. See the top right of the page for a guide to my gig ratings.]

Three word review
Natalie W: All Forgotten deliver

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