Sunday 17 January 2010

02 TV Review Post That No One Can Think Of A Name That Isn't Lame For

Hello again.

I'll be watching/reviewing this series a week later because it clashes with Heroes gah.
So this is now the only CSI I watch because the others are just bad these days. This series picks up where the last one left off which was that there was a driveby shooting at the bar the team were drinking at. I liked that they didn't go into loads of detail about what had happened and that it just sort of skipped to a month later with little snapshots of what had happened. I did though miss about a minute and I'm still confused as to whether they actually found the people who were going around shooting everyone. Oh, but one thing I really didn't like was Adam, gaahhh he's got rude and he's lost weight... I used to like him.

I'm gonna be honest here, I slept through the majority of the first two episodes so I will attempt to watch them again before the end of the week but I can't promise that I'm gonna be any more impressed than I was this first time round.
I managed to stay awake! And I have to say I liked it a lot better, probably because it all actually made sense. Something I liked which I wasn't sure was going to happen was that they don't randomly burst into song on the regs, the songs fit very well into the storyline so I thought that was clever. Think I'll keep watching this.

It was on and so I watched it against my better judgement.
I don't like ANY of the characters in this programme, they're all just so ridiculous.

Home and Away
I watch this religiously so I will not write about this every week but thank god it's back, I've suffered withdrawals the past three weeks. I must say though, they've dragged this story on way too long, hurry up and arrest Hugo and get on with a storyline that features more of Xavier and Romeo. Thank you.
My wish has been granted, hello Xavier ;)

8 Out of Ten Cats
I've found what I think is wrong with this programme, it's too short! I think it would be so much better with just an extra 15minutes. But hey, Jack Whitehall was on this week so I'm totally not gonna complain about that because he is fiiiit.

American Idol
SO GOOD. I'm so glad this is back. Don't really have much to say about it though... although I have had that 'pants on the ground' song in my head for about an hour now =/

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