Sunday 31 January 2010

04 Female Americans Need To Gain Weight.

It's disgusting.

Glee (S1E4)
From where I'm standing, this is getting worse with each episode. If it doesn't pick up next week I vow to stop watching.

90210 (S2E5)
Why the fuck am I still watching this rubbish?

Home and Away
YES! This Hugo/people smuggling story is finally coming to an end! Although, it will probably drag out for another week but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Good times.

Mock the Week (S8E2)
Sarah Millican is hilarious.
I never realised before that John Bishop plays Katie and Emily's dad in Skins.
Russell Howard + Glasses = Phwooarrrr.

Celebrity Big Brother Final.

Launch night I said the final would be Sov, Vinnie and Basshunter.
Night of the final I thought it would be Vinnie, Alex and Dane but I thought Dane would win. Slightly surprised but then again not really that surprised that Alex won, probably more of a deserving winner than my buddy Dane would have been. I must admit I did actually watch a fair bit of this series, the tree of temptation was brilliant. Pssst... it's me, the tree!

8 Out of 10 Cats (S9E4)
Has the series finished now that CBB is over?

Skins (S4E1)
I can not believe it has been three years since the first series. I was in year nine and we thought it was bloody amazing.
I actually quite liked this episode but only after it'd got past all the random shit in the first 20minutes or so with the rest of "the gang". It wasn't amazing but I didn't hate it. Best quote was definitely "Jesus says shut up", the two little girls on the sofa were so cuuute!

Take Me Out (S1E5)
I can not believe I have never watched this before now. It was amazing and also pretty hilarious. Wow... also James from Cardiff was a bit of alriiight.

Heroes (S4E5)
I really like both Clare and Peter's stroylines at the moment. On the other hand I proper do not get what's going on with Sylar and I do not understand at all what the carnival and the people there are on about. Feel free to offer any explanations.

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